Monday, April 30, 2007
made some wanton dough thingythingy this morn. o.o
its for lunch xDDDD
pics here >.> :

me trying to irritate my sis in the zorro cape(towel) by destroying her dough using tt wooden thingy =x + look at my bro's monkey face lolz.
got to disect a heart today.
a sheep's heart to be exact lol.
farhana,momo,mimi and me were like fooling around wif the heart.
we each took turns to cut it into half den momo was like enjoying herself holding the heart +squishing the blood out =x
den when the heart was disected i go play wif the heart =x
u noe, using it as a mouth or somethin.
a talking heart xDDDD
den momo go put her hand into one of the veins and moved her finger until the heart was like 'brought bak to life'.
it went pumpin XDDDD
we tried to trick fatin into believing tt the heart was thumping again but of course she saw momo der finger la =x
had fun playing wif the heart.
we were like surgeons for 1 hr ++ =x
ahh so funnnn.
i wan disect somemore!!
ok i noe im sick and twisted lolz.
but still >.>
now..for today's paper.
ive completely flunk itt xDDD
careless mistake for eng la.
amiable i go write amicable. zzz
wad on earth is amicable =.=
i have no idea wad i was tinking when i wrote the compo -.-
chinese no nid say la.
i write halfway den suddenly dun feel like writing so i anyhow do =x
so its just a simple, so call short story (wif 493 words) lol.
die ler la.
1st paper and ive alreadi flunked it.
time to prepare for the nxt paper ._.
lets shee...
which is *checks paper*..zzz
eng and mt paper 2 =.=
guess i wld have to realli study hard for those 2 papers in order to pull my grades up -.-
though there realli is nth to study for these 2 papers but still, there shld be some way o.o
ahhh y cant my hp connect to the tooot laptop >.>
cant post the pics we took durin the disection ler ._.
ohoh and after the last paper for the day,
we went to the hall to play the piano lol.
play play den we 4got abt the whole bio practical =x
we saw our classmates enter the lab liao so we quickly rush down lolz.
just as we left the hall,
derek,alvin,sebas and errr i 4got hu else entered the hall.
i oso duno wad they wan to do at the hall la so dun ask me.
did the practical, yada yada, den went to the hall to slack again =x
we stayed there till 3++ den we left lol.
during our 'stay' there some of us were marching around for fun and some of us were playing the piano lol.
when i was playing the piano, syamimi and farhana went marching wif janice as the 'parade commander' xDD
seeing syamimi march wif farhana is realli a veri errr entertaining one? =x
veri cute la syamimi lolz.
den janice play the piano , the rest of us wld go play play around , march march around lolz.
janice taught syamimi some melodies of hers and i taught farhana mine lolz.
aiya anywaysss we did have fun (shouting at the top of our voices xD) at the hall.
after tt went home,reached home, and went to watch tv.
den watch until i felt sleepy so i went to bed lol.
by the time i woke up my tuition teacher alreadi arrive >.>
had tuition till 2120 lol.
i do the a-maths ques until wan puke blood sia -.-
so frustrating >.>
finally can send the pics to my lappy -.-
here r the pics :
got to disect a heart today.
a sheep's heart to be exact lol.
farhana,momo,mimi and me were like fooling around wif the heart.
we each took turns to cut it into half den momo was like enjoying herself holding the heart +squishing the blood out =x
den when the heart was disected i go play wif the heart =x
u noe, using it as a mouth or somethin.
a talking heart xDDDD
den momo go put her hand into one of the veins and moved her finger until the heart was like 'brought bak to life'.
it went pumpin XDDDD
we tried to trick fatin into believing tt the heart was thumping again but of course she saw momo der finger la =x
had fun playing wif the heart.
we were like surgeons for 1 hr ++ =x
ahh so funnnn.
i wan disect somemore!!
ok i noe im sick and twisted lolz.
but still >.>
now..for today's paper.
ive completely flunk itt xDDD
careless mistake for eng la.
amiable i go write amicable. zzz
wad on earth is amicable =.=
i have no idea wad i was tinking when i wrote the compo -.-
chinese no nid say la.
i write halfway den suddenly dun feel like writing so i anyhow do =x
so its just a simple, so call short story (wif 493 words) lol.
die ler la.
1st paper and ive alreadi flunked it.
time to prepare for the nxt paper ._.
lets shee...
which is *checks paper*..zzz
eng and mt paper 2 =.=
guess i wld have to realli study hard for those 2 papers in order to pull my grades up -.-
though there realli is nth to study for these 2 papers but still, there shld be some way o.o
ahhh y cant my hp connect to the tooot laptop >.>
cant post the pics we took durin the disection ler ._.
ohoh and after the last paper for the day,
we went to the hall to play the piano lol.
play play den we 4got abt the whole bio practical =x
we saw our classmates enter the lab liao so we quickly rush down lolz.
just as we left the hall,
derek,alvin,sebas and errr i 4got hu else entered the hall.
i oso duno wad they wan to do at the hall la so dun ask me.
did the practical, yada yada, den went to the hall to slack again =x
we stayed there till 3++ den we left lol.
during our 'stay' there some of us were marching around for fun and some of us were playing the piano lol.
when i was playing the piano, syamimi and farhana went marching wif janice as the 'parade commander' xDD
seeing syamimi march wif farhana is realli a veri errr entertaining one? =x
veri cute la syamimi lolz.
den janice play the piano , the rest of us wld go play play around , march march around lolz.
janice taught syamimi some melodies of hers and i taught farhana mine lolz.
aiya anywaysss we did have fun (shouting at the top of our voices xD) at the hall.
after tt went home,reached home, and went to watch tv.
den watch until i felt sleepy so i went to bed lol.
by the time i woke up my tuition teacher alreadi arrive >.>
had tuition till 2120 lol.
i do the a-maths ques until wan puke blood sia -.-
so frustrating >.>
finally can send the pics to my lappy -.-
here r the pics :
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
today is my dad's bdae xD
bought for him a present just ytd.
surprisingly i was the onli one hu remembered his bdae -.-
was at northpoint ytd walking around looking for a present for both my mum(mother's day) and my dad (bdae).
well my dad made an appointment wif the dentist to check my teeth coz he wans to noe if i nid to wear braces or not.
well the dentist says i dun nid to wear braces lalalallalaa.
for my bro, sadly he nids to =x
while the dentist checked my bro's teeth, i snuck out and went upstairs to buy the presents lol.
by teh time i bought finish my bro and dad alreadi went home coz i told them to go home first lol.
den i took duno how long to find for the perfect pic to put into the photo frame i bought for my dad.
there was like duno how many thousand photo albums lor -.-
see im such a filial daughter =x=x
now my dad wans me to join them to cut the cake lol. brb =x
bak lol.
mouth cramp >.>
my dad is now smiling like duno wad lol.
and b4 cutting the cake,
he opened the presents we got for him.
when he saw mine he kissed me on both my cheeks wif his spiky moustache x.x
ouch but touching =x
and b4 b4 tt,
and during dinner,
mithran called me and asked me to be the person to hold the tray for the principal wif some thingys on it >.>
councillors cant do it coz its some councillor and principal duno wad thingy den they nid some help frm non-councillors.
well so i have to go down to the hall at 11am.
wooo get to skip class =x.
during dinner my dad just announced tt he got promoted lolz.
frm a toilet cleaner to a manager of allll the toilet cleaners XDDD
he got promoted to a errrr some executive manager or somethin o.o
aiya i duno laaaa-.-
double happiness? lol.
sad case is my mum is not here to join us in celebrating his bdae again lol.
well actually she had not been turning up to celebrate any of our bdaes =/
everytime like tt der.
she wld either be goin out wif her frenz on tt day or go play mahjong wif her frens =/
sad la ._.
maybe she plays mahjong on tt day coz she finds it an auspicious day or somethin? o.O
but still she cares tt its our bdae la.
she wld at least inform us tt she cannot celebrate our bdae wif us and then wish us a happy bdae den put down the phone lol.
for today's case,
my mum was the one hu bought teh cake for my dad.
but like i said, she isnt here to celebrate his bdae again lol.
anyways wad o.o
lolz i duno wad to say liao.
here r some of the pics i took. lalalalala:

My dad's chinese name made up of coloured ice-cream sticks o.o
Friday, April 20, 2007
just came bak frm npcc.had to go to republic poly today lol.had to go there for some lecture thingy thingy.after the whole thing,went bak to sch for npcc.lolzmet our maam while walking to and chat until we reached sch den me farhana and janice go put our things outside chem lab and went to find our squad.first thing when we arrived cindy and norine maam go tell us our squad kana punishment.den janice tot tt we wld have to do pumpings wif them as well so she took her pe shorts and ran to the toilet without askin whether we have to do pumping wif i waited for both farhana and janice and then we ran together as fast as possible behind the f & n room to join them.when we arrived we saw hanisa ma'am scolding them o.oi heard tt they got punished coz they make fun of the national anthem or somethin.after tt we fall in together wif our squad.yada yada.den we had to do some duno wad errrrr..not say dance la.some little fun thingy which requires us to hold hands together and dance dance like tt.after tt we fall in infront of the notice board.den den the sec1s,2s,3s, and 4s go join together to do tt little dance dance thiny -.-den after tt we got dismissed.after puting the logistics into the logistics room me and janice went to get our stuff.we sat there for awhile coz janice nid to call her mum.after tt she got cramp =x den had to wait for her ahem ahem ahem.after tt i helped janice to take her bag coz she got cramp and all tt but she didnt allow me to do so lol.but still i carried her bag.well till the parade square and we made alot of noise coz i didnt want to giv her bak her bag.veri ps sia -.-aiya..we had onli like a few mins of np abit high =xwell not becoz we spend such little time in np today,its becoz we onli get to run like mad for a few mins.den abit hyper cant say tt we r tired la lol.aiiyyaaaaaa no time liao.but kan chiong abit.have to prepare my uniform and polish my i didnt post everything tt happened time laaa.. =x
Sunday, April 15, 2007
haiz.. didnt go to church today. my mum scolded me becoz i wanted to go to church =.= coz today my mum der relative side erm celebrating someone der bdae den have lunch together at 12++ den sunday sch ends at 12 ma or maybe 12.30 for my case den she dun wan me to be absent for the thing when im not gonna actually do anything there besides eating,drinking and such -.- i purposely woke up early to go church der lor. den when i was goin to the bathroom den my dad ask me where i was goin den i said church. my mum heard me and scolded me. den my dad go say "its not tt we dun wan u to go church or anything but..blah blah blah" yea right =/ my mum doesnt realli believe in God well since she is a buddhist. along wif the rest of her siblings lol. all use the freakin f word and such. yea i noe they r rich but still.. =/ well one thing im confused is y wld she get herself a bible when she doesnt even believe in him . ok maybe tt bible is like a century old -.- i alreadi saw tt bible since i was like.. in kindergarden? o.o i alreadi made a promise to God tt i wld attend church every single sunday. guess i broke tt promise AGAIN. zz haiz.. anyways, on the way bak home me and my sis took some pics.
and tts it r some of the pics:
Friday, April 13, 2007
had npcc today.
and guess waddddd
of all things,
i was too engrossed wif preparing my stuff for npcc tt i 4got to bring my pe shirt and shorts along =.=
of all things.. zzz
somemore its in my timetable lehhh
den somemore today there was runningggggg
and i got bitten by mosquitoes while waiting for them to finish the whole run thingy.
bernice was so near to tt wet soil part area and i was like just standing in the middle of nowhere but still i got bitten =.=
suay me =/
played captain ball wif the girls though i was not in my pe attire =x
did some experiment thingy during recess.
the tcm thingy der.
suppose to make a shampoo wif anti-fungal effect using chinese medicine lol.
its funnnn =x
get to play wif the chemicals and blend stuff wahahahaha..
and most of all get to tok to the chiobuuu xDDD
ok i better stop toking abt ms lew or else i cant stop lolz.
man i sound like a les o.o
okok foccuusss..
did all those presenting handphone thingy thingy to those officers frm SPF.
well actually onli joseph and ms tay did lol.
me xinyi farhana and janice were bz toking softly at the corner of the classroom since we got nth to do lol.
gossipping here and there xD
den changed into our full-u
went to fall in and got rdy for the errrrrrrr wad do u call it? o.o
rehersal for speech day thingy lol.
everything was so call nice for the whole rehersal but the errr running forward and shouting canberra thingy is(and not was) veri VERI lame =.=
tkj der idea der -.-
he even wanted us to throw our beret into the air after shouting canberra sia -.-
smack him la zz
i no face liao lol.
sad thing is vincent scolded us once again.
well we deserved it =/
but stilll,
frankly speaking vincent hor,
wan scold can scold budden he shld not have used all those insulting words =/
its actually more discouraging -.-
ya sure since we r little cadets wif pea brains and so we wun be able to perform up to standard.
y shld we even try to do things when we noe tt we wun be able to succeed since we r ppl wif pea brains -.-
we cant think.
wad else do u expect frm us vincent zz.
i will just forget abt this thing and concentrate on more important things rather den just get annoyed becoz of this.
right after npcc,
farhana, siti,xinyi and me went to the mama shop to just see if there is anything to buy.
once we entered the shop got this boy(ok im feeling soooo..errr heartache?) hu asked if we have $1 to spare.
we were like ermmm we didnt noe wad to do.
coz u noe this boy cld be cheating us and all tt.
he was holding $4 like tt.
when we just looked at each other .
den he asked if we got 50 cents.
after awhile we still looked at each other and he knew we wld not donate so he just left and walk to the playground there.
took this branch thingy and used it to browse around the bushes to see if there were anything around there or somethin.
i duno wad he was looking for la budden he looked as if he was looking for some dropped money o.o
ahhh i feel so heartbroken. this horrible feeling of guilt zzz.
i cld not take it anymore den i took out $1 and decided to pass it to him.
but he was alreadi so far away.
ok la not so far.
i told xinyi tt i wanted to giv him the $1 den she say go find him lol.
den the rest of the girls followed me den farhana called the boy.
but the boy saw us den ran deeper into the flat o.o
wanted to chase after the boy but for the girls' safetly, i just told them to turn bak.
ltr actually got some guy told the boy to lure us there de den ltr somethin happen den die.
but whether the boy was up to no gd i still feel awfully ermmm guilty?
everytime when this kind of things happen this awful feeling wld reveal itself. =/
until now, while i type in this post, i still feel so freakishly guilty -.-
tts the prob wif me la.
im too..ermm how do i put this o.o
ever since young im like tt der.
but now of course i speak more la well ever since i entered canberra ive been toking much more lol.
but still the old me remains inside o.o
ok not old me but tt character of me is inside lolz.
ive been more cautious now coz if it werent for those tooot ppl hu took advantage of my kind acts i wld not have been sooo..selfish(?well somethin like tt =/) now.
maybe God was testing me o.o
well somehow or another maybe He realli was testing me ._.
maybe He wants to awaken this 'old' me.
after the whole incident ive become more errr thrifty =x
and i thank God for that lol.
if it werent for tt incident i tink i wld have been spending my money as if it wld come bak anytime i want it to come =/
oh ya.
and diyanaaaa.
u still owe me somethin lol.
i have not been asking for it becoz i trust tt u wld return it bak to me.
i hope u wld not let me down. =/
first thing i reached home i landed on the bed and just closed my eyes for a moment lol.
den used the com and typed in this post.
i shall end here.
ahhh i wonder if i can slp tonite =.=
Thursday, April 05, 2007
today had onli half day of sch coz in the afternoon got some sports festival thingy.
had some ss test first thing in the morn.
had to memorise a whole essay -.-
i spent abt 45mins memorising the whole essay last night.
slept at abt 11.30pm lol.
although i spent duno how long to just memorise thee essay i made one toot mistake -.-.
the sentence is supposed to be "The Senior Citizens' Week is held annually to encourage the elderly to stay active in the family and community"
i wrote "The Senior Citizen's Week is celebrated annually to encourage the elderly to stay active in the family and community"
after looking at the sentence i was like wondering how can u celebrate a week i mean like to explain -.-
aiya nvm.
after sch had to rush bak home to get rdy to go to CCAB.
syamimi was late but still we reached there on time lol.
1st game was soccer.
i practically didnt do anything though.
when i joined it was onli a few seconds more till the referee blow his whistle -.-
so i didnt realli touch the ball at all.
i just started running towards the ball den the whistle was blown liao lolz.
but still, we got a gold for soccer.
syamimi,farhana and sabrina were the outstanding ones i guess lol.
we gave sabrina a new name.
chong chong LOls.
coz her surname chong ma.
so ever since then we called her chong chong for the rest of the day lolz.
she walk around wif the box of potato chips and hotdogs den we wld call her chong chong den after tt take everything in the box lolz.
but of course we put it bak la.
for floorball girls , silver.(janice,syamimi,farhana,sabrina,pamela,jiangyuan)
frisbee girls, gold.(not sure lol.)
captain ball girls, gold.(yesmeen,shan,penny,hongna,jiali,shihui,frances,qinghui,syamimi)
soccer girls , gold.(syamimi,sabrina,farhana,pamela,momo(janice),me)
4x100m run ,gold.(jiang yuan,hongna,shan,me)
100m run, gold +silver. (me and jiang yuan lol.)
3e1 the girls veri pro right =x. lolz.
now for the guys.
they won..
nth? =x
well i onli no floorball they managed to go thru the 1st round coz got naresh.
he gd player la.
the rest i duno doin wad.
hmm..playing golf? lol.
the 3t2 boys were like so rough lor.
especially zufaqar la.
use tt stick thing hit until so fierce.
like playing golf lol.
after the wholllleeee event, wif captain ball as the last activity,we gathered at the tentage den the mr tan and some other teachers go mention the overall class champion for each cohort.
well for sec 3s 3e1 champion lol.
we each got towels with the wordings 'secondary three champion' printed on it lol.
den when they dismiss us ler all those 3e1 der go gather den put our hands in the middle den go cheer den go home lor.
syamimi,farhana,jiangyuan,janice and me took some pics wif the medals tt we won with bala helping us take pic.
den after tt mrs lee came ad we took a pic wif her den after tt go home liao lol.
while walking to the busstop jiangyuan and farhana go play the 'scissors paper stone' thing to see whether we wld be taking the bus or taxi lol.
farhana won but in the end we still took a taxi to newton coz we were kinda short of cash =x.
we took the train and just nice the train had to terminate at yishun lolz.
so we just took the bus at the yishun interchange while momo took the bus at the bus stop right outside the mrt station.
but she followed us to go buy milk shake and some drinks and snacks.
after tt we say bye to momo den go to our destinations.
den just nice the bus 859 arrived den farhana,jiangyuan and pamela go board the bus.
den oso just nice the bus 812 arrived.went bak home, enjoying my milk shake, den go show off my medals to my family members =x
my dad saw my medals liao den suddenly become so high -.-
laughed non-stop and told lame jokes lol.
and i realized tt my skin was taned :(
aiya the weather was TOO gd lolz.
was fried under the sun. lol.
one tone darker =/
pamela was oso tanned lol.
so tired and sleepy x.x
ahh fine..
i go help janice wif her blogskin thingy liao o.o
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
have not been bloggin for nearly 1mth =x
ps la..didnt have the mood to blog coz my unit-t shirt was missing.
it has been found alreadi.
den now im happy like mad so post lor =x.
maybe i wld do tt tmr =x
well i onli said MAYBE lol.
they were the ones hu found my unit-t. well actually joseph found it den siti pass it to me but still THX SITI =x
now for wad tt has been happening lately..
me and janice preparing some stuff for the farewell night.
farhana and the rest of the girls alreadi planning some thingys tt wld be happening on the night itself.
duno wad the guys r doin -.-
not gonna reveal them coz its a secret between the sec 3s..waahaha..
the annual camp is like duno how many mths away budden we r alreadi planning liao.
see..we got take initiative lor so dun anyhow say we didnt -.-
other than annual camp thingys there r other stuffs tt we r planning for the whole unit and stuffs.
just hope ppl wun be complaining just becoz we took initiative to do this -.-
welll..recently our ranks had been just stripped off our shoulders. =/
frankly speaking i too dun tink we deserve tt rank.
our drills suck,the way we prepare our uni sucks, etc.
becoming a private can be a good thing actually.
well maybe more ppl cld be more errr serious abt the whole thing?
den maybe can motivate each other to improve on the things we nid to improve on and such.
maybe we wld be able to bond closer lol.
well for starters, we cld just ermm see wad the sec 2s and sec 1s have been doin wrong den maybe reflect on those same mistakes we did and such and then of course do somethin abt it.
gratz to those sec 3s hu got promoted to sergeant and sec 4s getting their first class drill badge.
gratz to sec 4s Joel LOO and Zaphir(or wadever u spell his name) on becoming SIs.
well though i didnt get any badge or get promoted or anything i dun realli feel tt disappointed. well i do but still i wun let tt affect me like it did last time lol.
i realli have to do somethin abt it lol.
SOME ppl frm CHUNG CHEUNG HIGH have been BOASTING abt his rank there -.-
15 badges,ssgt,take over SI do duno wad sai whenever he is not around SO WAD.
i dun giv a damn lol.
sooner or later Canberra Unit wld BE the BEST. WAHAHAHAHAH .
aiya i stop here ler la -.-